"Our talents, not your time, are spent in the WEB" ©
Creative Web Site Developers
phone: 410-442-5566 -- EMAIL

Promoting your business with Video

Review these samples and contact us by email oe call 410-442-5566. We will provide you further details in easily arranging the production of your video.
Did you know that 132 million videos were downloaded in 2012

Types of ScalableVideo For Resale

We offer video products in standard 30, 60 and 90 second lengths and are delivered in web, mobile and HD TV-ready formats:

Scripted Ads

Completely scripted and professional online commercials complete with voiceovers and music, designed to drive traffic and acquire new customers.

Video Profile

Overviews of a company, product, service or place, complete with personal interviews, designed to engage, educate and attract new business.

Video Testimonials

Professionally shot interviews discussing businesses, products or services, designed to build customer trust and loyalty.

Video News Release

Company announcements produced as professional news pieces, often delivered in conjunction with a traditional, written press releases.

Custom Videos

Professional video content customized to meet any client requirement.

Our March Special Rates:

30 second video $925 $725
60 second video $1350 $1050
90 second video $2300 $1950

Review these samples and contact us by email or call 410-442-5566. We will provide you further details in easily arranging the production of your video.

WebWorld Creators,LLC
12465 Barnard Way
West Friendship MD 21794
Phone: 410-442-5566 -- Email

© Content: 2024 Site development & maintenance: WebWorld Creators, LLC.